BUY: Delivery- the ebook NOW

Dwelivery - The Ebook by Skip Murray

DELIVERY - Smooth, Compact, Powerful

BUY: E-book, "DELIVERY", by Skip Murray

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Language: English

The surest way to be a successful baseball pitcher is to be your own coach. When you take the ball, there is no one with you to help you. You are on your own. Knowing what to do when things go wrong; knowing what adjustments you have to make from pitch to pitch, is the surest way to get the results you want. This book is designed for you to be that self-coach and to get those needed results when you want them.
Dewlivery e-book example 1
DELIVERY is laid out as an easy to follow guide book, teaching you the pitching delivery, beginning, middle and end. Filled with 20 illustrations and definitions, it clearly and concisely demonstrates every aspect of the pitching delivery. If you want to take your game to its highest level, this is the book for you. As a bonus, DELIVERY, includes a pitch grips, and pre-game stretch section.
Delivery - the E-Book example 2

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DELIVERY - Smooth, Compact, Powerful
E-Book - PDF Format
Price: $20.00
Written in American English.

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